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What is other workout on apple watch

What is Other Workout on Apple Watch?

I. Understanding Other Workout on Apple Watch:

The Other Workout feature on Apple Watch is designed to track exercises that are not covered by specific workout types available on the device. It allows users to monitor their activity levels accurately and gain insights into various physical activities.

II. Positive Aspects:

  1. Versatile Tracking: Other Workout on Apple Watch caters to a wide range of physical activities beyond the pre-defined workout categories. It ensures that users can monitor and record their efforts accurately, regardless of the exercise type.

  2. Customizable Metrics: This feature enables users to customize the metrics displayed during their workouts. Whether it's calories burned, distance covered, or time spent, users can choose the most relevant data for their specific activity.

III. Benefits of Other Workout on Apple Watch:

  1. Comprehensive Activity Tracking: Apple Watch's Other Workout feature allows users to track their workouts more effectively by providing detailed insights into their physical efforts, even for
Hey there fitness enthusiasts and Apple Watch lovers! Are you ready to explore the exciting world of workouts on your trusty wrist companion? Today, we're going to dive into the mysterious realm of "the other workout" on Apple Watch. Curious? Well, let's get started! You might be wondering, "What is the other workout on Apple Watch?" It's a fantastic feature that allows you to track your exercises when they don't fit neatly into the predefined workout categories. Whether you're practicing yoga, dancing like nobody's watching, or even doing some intense hula hooping, the "other workout" has got your back! So, why should you bother with the "other workout" option? Well, imagine this: you're at your favorite dance class, busting out those killer moves, and suddenly you realize your Apple Watch doesn't have a specific "dance" workout. Fear not! Just select "other workout" on your Apple Watch, and it will still track your heart rate, calories burned, and all the other essential metrics you crave. Now, let's talk about how to use this fabulous feature. It's as easy as pie! Simply open the Workout app on your Apple Watch and scroll down until you find "other." Tap on it,

Can you rename other workout on Apple Watch?

Tap Other. Complete your workout. When you're done, swipe right, then tap End. Tap Name Workout.

How do I track other exercise on Apple Watch?

You can browse and add new workout types to the Workout app.
  1. On your Apple Watch, open the Workout app.
  2. Scroll down and tap Add Workout.
  3. Tap the desired workout.

What to record legs bums and tums as on Apple Watch?

Since those activities, legs bums and tums are not on the list of common activities, you can log them as "custom activity". Scroll down and you'll find the option "Create custom activity".

What qualifies as exercise on Apple Watch?

Every full minute of movement that equals or exceeds the intensity of a brisk walk counts toward your daily Exercise and Move goals. With Apple Watch Series 3 or later, your cardio fitness levels are used to determine what is brisk for you. For wheelchair users, this is measured in brisk pushes.

Can I name my own workout on Apple Watch?

After you use the Other workout, you can choose a name for your workout. This can help you track workouts like dance or strength training. On your Apple Watch, open the Workout app. Tap Other.

What workouts are in Apple Fitness+?

About Apple Fitness+ Apple Fitness+ supports 12 workout types, including: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Yoga, Core, Pilates, Strength, Treadmill (Walk or Run), Cycling, Rowing, Dance, Kickboxing, and Mindful Cooldown.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is mixed cardio on Apple Watch?

Mixed cardio is a general, mixed bag cardio workout, using multiple machines. HIIT is a specific high intensity workout. A bit more on HIIT: High intensity interval training (HIIT) Choose HIIT for cycles of intense exercise, followed by shorter periods of rest or recovery.

Do different workouts burn different calories on Apple Watch?

Active calories for Other workouts are estimated at a rate equivalent to a brisk walk or based on data recorded by the heart rate sensor, whichever is higher. These factors likely explain the difference in the results that were recorded for your workouts.

What is the difference between traditional and functional strength training?

Practically, however, they have certain differences that set them apart. In traditional training, you work with short sets of precise, targeted movements. On the contrary, functional training involves several muscle groups in a single exercise, and you can do it in sets, circuits, or HIIT.

How does Apple Watch calculate other workouts?

Heart rate is one of many factors that Apple Watch uses to measure your activity and exercise. Depending on your workout, it selects the most appropriate inputs for that activity. For example, when you're running indoors, it also uses the accelerometer.

What are the different types of workouts on Apple?

Apple Fitness+ supports 12 workout types, including: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Yoga, Core, Pilates, Strength, Treadmill (Walk or Run), Cycling, Rowing, Dance, Kickboxing, and Mindful Cooldown.

What is the difference between activity and exercise on Apple Watch?

The Activity app displays three rings. The red Move ring shows how many active calories you've burned. The green Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you've done. The blue Stand ring shows how many times in the day you've stood and moved for at least one minute per hour.

What does other workout mean on Apple Watch?

Choose Other when you can't find a matching workout type. In all workouts, the Heart Rate and Motion sensors work together to give you accurate credit. When you use Other, or any workout type available in the Add Workout section, you earn the credit equivalent of a brisk walk when these sensor readings are unavailable.


What is considered other on Apple Watch?
Other, like the Other on your iPhone, is data that cannot be categorised into specific app types. It may be junk, or it may be data belonging to a badly behaved app.
What workout do I choose on Apple Watch?
  1. Walking. Choose Indoor Walk for walking on a treadmill or for when you're walking indoors, like on an indoor track or in a mall.
  2. Running. Choose Indoor Run for running on a treadmill or any time that you're running indoors.
  3. Cycling.
  4. Elliptical.
  5. Rower.
  6. Stair stepper.
  7. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  8. Hiking.
What should I set my Apple Watch fitness to?
We recommend that you set your goal at 300 calories. There will be days when you will struggle to achieve this. However, it is the minimum we should burn for our health. So, use the time you save going to and from the office for a walk, stretch your legs, and get some sunlight, which is also good for our health.
What workout to select on Apple Watch when lifting weights?
Choose Functional Strength Training when performing dynamic strength sequences for the upper body, lower body or full body, using small equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands and medicine balls, or with no equipment at all.
What counts as a workout on Apple Watch?
Every full minute of movement that equals or exceeds the intensity of a brisk walk counts toward your daily Exercise and Move goals. With Apple Watch Series 3 or later, your cardio fitness levels are used to determine what is brisk for you.
What is the difference between traditional strength training and functional strength training?
Practically, however, they have certain differences that set them apart. In traditional training, you work with short sets of precise, targeted movements. On the contrary, functional training involves several muscle groups in a single exercise, and you can do it in sets, circuits, or HIIT.

What is other workout on apple watch

What counts as exercise on Apple Watch? Every full minute of movement that equals or exceeds the intensity of a brisk walk counts toward your daily Exercise and Move goals. With Apple Watch Series 3 or later, your cardio fitness levels are used to determine what is brisk for you. For wheelchair users, this is measured in brisk pushes.
How do I add more workouts to my Apple Watch? Add a workout
  1. On your Apple Watch, open the Workout app.
  2. Scroll down and tap Add Workout.
  3. Tap the desired workout.
Where can I find my Apple Watch workouts? See your workout and meditation history
  1. Open the Activity app on your Apple Watch.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  3. To review a workout or meditation, tap it.
Is an Apple Watch worth it for fitness? It's the ultimate device for a healthy life. Apple Watch can do what your other devices can't because it's on your wrist. When you wear it, you get a fitness partner that measures all the ways you move, meaningful health insights, innovative safety features, and a connection to the people you care about most.
What triggers exercise ring on Apple Watch? Close your Exercise ring by completing at least 30 minutes of activity at or above a brisk walk. The Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you've completed, whether you're just moving at a fast pace or doing a specific workout in the Workout app.
What are the workout categories on Apple Watch?
  • Walking. Choose Indoor Walk for walking on a treadmill or for when you're walking indoors, like on an indoor track or in a mall.
  • Running. Choose Indoor Run for running on a treadmill or any time that you're running indoors.
  • Cycling.
  • Elliptical.
  • Rower.
  • Stair stepper.
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Hiking.
  • How do I change a other workout on Apple Watch?
    • Renaming “Other” Workout
      1. On your Apple Watch, open the Workout app.
      2. Tap Other.
      3. Complete your workout.
      4. When you're done, swipe right, then tap End.
      5. Tap Name Workout.
      6. Tap the type of workout, then tap Save.
  • What does Apple Watch classify as exercise?
    • Every full minute of movement that equals or exceeds the intensity of a brisk walk counts toward your daily Exercise and Move goals. With Apple Watch Series 3 or later, your cardio fitness levels are used to determine what is brisk for you. For wheelchair users, this is measured in brisk pushes.
  • What workout burns most calories on Apple Watch?
    • Running/jogging On average, running burns between 10.8 to 16 calories per minute and putting it at the top of the list of workouts that burn the most calories. To up the calorie burn, increase the intensity or add in sprint intervals.
  • What are all of the Apple Watch workout options?
      • Walking. Choose Indoor Walk for walking on a treadmill or for when you're walking indoors, like on an indoor track or in a mall.
      • Running. Choose Indoor Run for running on a treadmill or any time that you're running indoors.
      • Cycling.
      • Elliptical.
      • Rower.
      • Stair stepper.
      • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
      • Hiking.
  • What workouts are on apple watch
    • Jan 10, 2023 — Apple exercise Can we get exercises like jumping jacks, sit-up, and push-ups under the “other” workouts. I think those would be used too. 3 
  • What are the workouts under other on apple watch
    • May 2, 2019 — Full list of Apple Watch Other workout types · Dance · Kickboxing · Strength training · Cross training · Core training · Pilates · Barre · Badminton