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How long after meniscus surgery can i workout

How Long After Meniscus Surgery Can I Workout: A Comprehensive Guide

If you've recently undergone meniscus surgery and are eager to resume your workout routine, it's crucial to understand the appropriate timeline for recovery and return to physical activity. "How long after meniscus surgery can I workout?" is a common question, and this article aims to provide a clear and concise answer. Let's explore the positive aspects, benefits, and suitable conditions for using the "How long after meniscus surgery can I workout" guideline.

Positive Aspects of "How Long After Meniscus Surgery Can I Workout":

  1. Expert Guidance: This guideline is designed by medical professionals and experts who specialize in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine.
  2. Safety First: "How long after meniscus surgery can I workout" prioritizes your safety by considering the healing process and potential risks associated with resuming physical activities prematurely.
  3. Customizable Approach: The guideline takes into account individual factors such as the extent of the surgery, overall health, and any additional procedures performed, providing personalized recommendations.

Benefits of "How Long After Meniscus Surgery Can I Workout":

  1. Facilitates Healing: Following the suggested timeline ensures that the meniscus heals properly
Meniscus (cartilage) Repair patients cannot do twisting, pivoting, squatting, deep knee bends or impact activities for four months. It is vital that meniscus repair patients do not squat for at least four months after the repair.

How long after meniscus surgery can you put weight on it?

You should not put weight on the surgical leg until otherwise instructed by physical therapy or your physician. Usually this will be 6 weeks of no weight bearing and then 2 weeks of partial weight bearing. Gentle range-of–motion exercises can begin as soon as possible after surgery.

How do I strengthen my knee after meniscus surgery?

If any exercise causes pain, however, stop doing it.
  1. Mini squats. Mini squats can help strengthen the quadriceps, large muscles at the front of the thigh, without putting too much pressure on the knees.
  2. Quadriceps setting.
  3. Straight leg raise.
  4. Hamstring curls.
  5. Hamstring heel slide.
  6. Standing heel raises.
  7. Clams.
  8. Leg extensions.

What cardio can you do after meniscus surgery?

You may ride the stationary bicycle daily for 10 to 20 minutes. Avoid using stair-stepper machines, doing deep knee bends and squats. Avoid any exercise that causes crunching, clicking or pain at the kneecap.

Is it OK to bend knee after meniscus surgery?

To avoid placing stress on the meniscus repair, do not bend your knee beyond 90 degrees (bent to a right angle). Brace and Crutches: Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, use crutches when walking and bear weight as tolerated on the operated leg. Wear the post-operative brace for walking.

Is it OK to exercise with a torn meniscus?

A chronic meniscus injury will usually require complete rest, and there should be no weight bearing on them at all. Smaller tears may benefit from aerobic exercise, but this should only be conducted under the recommendation of a health professional.

How soon can I run after a torn meniscus?

Patients usually will recover within a month, and can start running within two to three months after their injury. However, if you undergo repair surgery, it may take as long as 3 months to recover, then you may begin your running conditioning again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a meniscus tear worse if I run on it?

Yes, you can run with a meniscus tear, but it depends on your specific circumstances. When looking at uninjured people, researchers have found that up to 50% of people over the age of 40 walk and run around with meniscus tears that give them no trouble.

How long does it take to fully recover from meniscectomy?

Time periods vary, but meniscus surgery is usually followed by a period of rest, walking, and selected exercises. Most people who have arthroscopic meniscectomy can bear weight a day or two after surgery and can return to full activity within 2 to 4 weeks.

How long does stiffness last after meniscectomy?

An uncomplicated meniscectomy will resolve most of the pain fairly quickly, but swelling and stiffness take time to resolve. It may take 4-5 months for full healing.

What are the worst exercises to do with a torn meniscus?

The patient should avoid pivoting and squatting and should work on keeping the quadriceps muscles strong. If the swelling and pain have not resolved in 6 weeks, they usually won't without surgical intervention.

Is it OK to squat after meniscus surgery?

Meniscus (cartilage) Repair patients cannot do twisting, pivoting, squatting, deep knee bends or impact activities for four months. It is vital that meniscus repair patients do not squat for at least four months after the repair.

What are the restrictions after meniscus surgery?

Wait 2 weeks or until your doctor says it is okay before you take a bath, swim, use a hot tub, or soak your leg. You can drive when you are no longer using crutches or a knee brace, are no longer taking prescription pain medicine, and have some control over your knee. This usually takes 1 to 6 weeks.

Can I exercise with a torn knee cartilage?

Doctors will usually advise against performing certain exercises when you have a meniscus tear. These exercises can put too much pressure on an already unstable knee. Avoid exercises that involve: pivoting.

How to do cardio with torn meniscus?

Embrace low-impact exercises that are gentle on your knees. Activities like swimming, stationary biking, and walking on flat surfaces can help you maintain cardiovascular fitness without straining the injured knee.

Can you run with torn cartilage in the knee?

Most degenerative meniscal tears will not worsen with running, and can be managed conservatively. However, meniscal tears that have a traumatic onset, the knee is locking or giving way, is consistently painful after exercise, and has restricted function, may need further intervention.


How do you strap a cartilage damaged knee?
Two diagonal straps of rigid tape. Start the first from the outside of your calf, pass the inside of your knee cap and secure it on the inside of your thigh. Start the second strap from the inside of your calf, pass the inside of your knee cap and secure it on the outside of your thigh.
What exercise can I do with a torn cartilage?
Strenuous exercise can tear the meniscus, a layer of cartilage in the knee. Gentle exercises may help with recovery. Examples of meniscus tear exercises include mini squats, standing heel raises, and hamstring curls.
How do you stretch after meniscus surgery?
While lying on your back, or assisting with a towel, actively slide your heel backward to bend the knee. Keep bending the knee until you feel a stretch in the front of the knee. Hold this bent position for 5 seconds and then slowly relieve the stretch and straighten the knee.
Is stretching good for meniscus tears?
The final step in meniscus rehabilitation is stretching - this is a critical step for complete recovery from a medial meniscus tear or a lateral meniscus tear. When you are dealing with a torn meniscus, stretching plays a huge role in rehabilitation - whether you undergo surgery or not.
How do you rehab a torn meniscus after surgery?
Knee Rehab Exercises
  1. Quad sets, glute sets.
  2. Ankle pumps.
  3. Hamstring and calf stretches.
  4. Multi-angle isometrics for quads (90 to 60 degrees)
  5. Straight leg raises (multi-plane)
  6. Knee extension, open chain 90 to 40 degrees.
  7. Patellar mobs.
  8. Heel slides to tolerance.
How do you get full range of motion after meniscus surgery?
  1. Straight leg raise exercises (lying, seated, and standing), quadriceps/adduction/ gluteal sets, ankle pumps.
  2. Well-leg stationary cycling, upper body ergometer for cardio.
  3. Daily edge of bed dangle for passive knee flexion (allow knee to hang in pain-free range with light stretch).
How long does it take to fully bend your knee after meniscus surgery?
The fluid in your knee often remains there for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery until your body can reabsorb it. This fluid will make your knee feel tight or stiff, especially with deep knee bending or squatting.
What not to do after meniscus repair surgery?
Do not rest with a towel placed under the knee. Do not actively bend your knee; support your surgical side when performing transfers (i.e. sitting to laying down) • Do not pivot on your surgical side.

How long after meniscus surgery can i workout

How long do you have to stay off your knee after meniscus surgery? Heavy work or sports may be restricted for the first 4-6 weeks. Complicated arthroscopic repair of a meniscus tear requires that the patient's knee be completely immobilized for 2 weeks after surgery. Followed by 2 weeks of limited motion before resuming daily activities. Physical therapy starts right after surgery.
Can I do lunges after meniscus surgery? 8-12 Weeks. At 8 weeks, patients will be allowed to fully weight bear and experience full range of motion without a brace. Hamstring and proprioception exercises will be initiated, which include leg press and lunge exercises between 0 to 90 degrees of knee flexion (shown below).
How soon after meniscus surgery can I exercise? 2-4 Weeks. From 2 to 4 weeks, patients will advance to full weight bearing as tolerated by pain; however, they will not be allowed to full weight bear past 90 degrees of flexion. This phase will start to initiate closed chain exercises, such as terminal knee extensions with or without resistance bands.
How long after meniscus repair can you squat? Meniscus (cartilage) Repair patients cannot do twisting, pivoting, squatting, deep knee bends or impact activities for four months. It is vital that meniscus repair patients do not squat for at least four months after the repair.
How long does it take for meniscus repair to fully heal? Meniscus repair recovery time is typically six to nine months depending on the activities of the patient.
How long do you need physical therapy after meniscus repair? Physical therapy will progress with regular appointments (1 to 2 times per week) for the first 8 weeks after the surgery. Exercise and strengthening routines will be focused on regaining simply abilities, such as walking, and improving the strength, capability and ROM of your knee.
What exercises should you avoid after meniscus repair? You may use resistance machines at your gym, DO NOT do lunging or high impact drills or exercises or drills where you pivot on the fixed foot. Also avoid doing squats or leg press where the knee is allowed to bend past 90 degrees.
How can I exercise with a knee injury? Some low-impact ideas:
  1. Water aerobics. Water aerobics is an excellent choice of workout for people with knee pain.
  2. Biking. Biking is great for improving range of motion, flexibility and strength.
  3. Yoga. Yoga is wonderful for flexibility, especially for the areas around the knee that might be tight.
  4. Walking.
  • Is it good to wrap an injured knee?
    • Wrap your knee. This is called compression. The wrap should be snug but not too tight. The right compression should control swelling of the knee. But it should not cause pain or swelling in other parts of the leg.
  • How do you wrap your knees for exercise?
    • After you going on around twice. You go above. And add eye angle and make a sort of a figure eight configuration. You go above. And you give it just a little tug.
  • Should you rest or exercise a knee injury?
    • It is essential to start exercising. This will promote healthy healing and prevent future stiffness and weakness. Exercises should be performed slowly, moving into discomfort, but not pain. They can be repeated 5 - 6 times spread through the day.
  • Can I workout with a strained knee?
    • Gentle exercise is one of the best natural remedies for knee pain. Exercise can increase your strength and flexibility, particularly in the muscles that support your knee joint. This helps you to heal and get back to normal. It also helps to keep knees healthy and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Can you work out after meniscus surgery?
    • It may take as long as 6 months before your knee is strong enough for hard physical work or certain sports. You will need to build your strength and the motion of your joint with rehabilitation (rehab) exercises. In time, your knee will likely be stronger and more stable than it was before the surgery.
  • How can I strengthen my legs after meniscus surgery?
    • Start some gentle heel slides and quadriceps isometric exercises on post-op day 1. Start with 10 to 20 reps each session. Do these exercises 3 times per day until you see your physical therapist. You can also start light stationary cycling without resistance within a few days of your surgery.
  • Will I ever be able to run again after meniscus surgery?
    • Swimming may be initiated as early as 12 weeks, while sport specific activities and running/jumping protocol may be started at 16 weeks. The literature provides good evidence to suggest most athletes can expect to return their sport approximately 5 to 6 months following surgery.
  • What gym exercises to avoid with meniscus tear?
    • Exercising with a meniscus tear requires caution, as certain activities can worsen or aggravate the injury and delay healing. During the early stages of recovery, we generally discourage high-impact exercises, such as running, jumping, and sports involving sudden stops and starts.